5 Pro Tips to Enjoy Your Next International Vacation

I have been traveling a lot lately and have really come to think about all my trips. I really want to live in the moment and enjoy everything that is offered to me. Some of the places I am visiting I may not be back to again, because I have such a long bucket list….LOL. So, I decided to write down a few things that I have come to learn.

1. Be Patient – Don’t sweat the small stuff – Flights get delayed…all the time. Someone will be rude…typically somewhere…even in your traveling party. Traveling is incredibly wonderful but your attitude can sometimes make or break the experience. Talk with a manager if something goes wrong (and I always want clients to check in with me to see if there’s anything I can do if there’s a problem) but also make sure you aren’t tired or hungry first. Generally a good nap or a granola bar can fix most everything. LOL

2. Observe Daily Life Around You – Be a people watcher. It’s one of my favorite things to do. Traveling internationally, you may not understand the language or the customs. Take a step back. Take a deep breath. You aren’t in Kansas anymore, Toto…so make sure you respect the local culture and customs. More than likely you’ll end up loving the people as you learn how life is different than back home.

3. Break Out of Your Comfort Zone – Try something new, whether it’s the local food, or climbing up 100 steps to a castle or swim with sea turtles. You will never know how much you will enjoy the view from above or below.

4. Don’t Over Plan and Be Flexible – Don’t try to cram or over plan your vacation. Don’t plan to see the whole country in a weekend trip. Keep an open mind. Be still and be in the moment. For this very reason I try to assist clients with pre-booking the “must do” and allowing enough flexibility in their schedule to allow for you to go with the flow while in destination.

5. Be Kind to Your Body – When your body needs to rest, let it rest and listen to it. Your body’s timetable may be off from the jet lag or simply traveling from place to place. Rest and eat well as much as you can. Remembering to stay hydrated, use sunscreen if you’ll be out in the sun and not overdoing it with drinking or adventuring out will help you have a much better experience.

Keep these things in mind for your next adventure out of the good ‘ole US of A and you’ll have a great experience!

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